Jun 17, 2022 By Brad

Lead Generation

[NEW] Women’s Money Myths Lead – Lead Generation Campaign

Attract fresh prospects by offering a compelling downloadable tool through a campaign that includes a lead-capture landing page, prospecting emails, social media posts, and optional Facebook ads.

Do you want to connect with women interested in investing? This campaign is for you.

Many women often feel intimidated, overwhelmed, and anxious when they think about money.

Money management companies have marketed their services to sound so complicated they feel like they can’t do it without them.

But this couldn’t be further from the truth!

Cut through the noise and attract fresh prospects with a campaign that offers a FREE guide: Money IS for Women: 3 Wild Truths and 2 Worn Out Fairy Tales.

The guide reveals: 

  • How a woman’s finances can be effortless (and who makes it seem complex)
  • A too-simple-to-be-true money system to transform how women think about wealth
  • Why do intelligent women think “I’m not good at money” 

Nurture existing prospects by highlighting that finances don’t need to be daunting or complex, emphasizing your ability to help them make the right choices. 

The lead magnet is designed to be “precisely vague” by providing good advice, but opening a loop with critical questions in the conclusion that the prospect must work with you to resolve.

Drive traffic to your offer with prospecting emails, social media posts, and optional Facebook ads. The campaign copy builds urgency by explaining what could happen if prospects leave their finances up to someone else.

We help you continue the conversation with prospects, bringing them deeper into the awareness funnel, with follow-up emails that position you as the right source for help and offer a free appointment to discuss their retirement questions. 

Prospects who have immediate needs are encouraged to request an appointment with you, bringing these digital prospects right into your office.

The campaign publishes content over 4 weeks.

Use this campaign if you’ve got a prospecting list and social media presence. If you don’t have a list segmented by gender, you can simply launch this by social media.

The campaign delivers the following:

  • 3 broadcast emails promoting the value of the free guide
  • 12 social media posts that automatically post to your social media accounts over 4 weeks
  • 1 landing page offering the free guide while capturing a prospect’s name & email address
  • 1 opt-in confirmation email
  • 2 opt-in follow-up emails
  • 1 confirmation page where motivated leads can request a free chat with you
  • 1 appointment confirmation page that points leads to your website
  • 1 appointment confirmation email
  • Website Widget

Campaign type: Lead-generation

Campaign description w/ outcome: Download the guide

Target audience:

  • Business Owners
  • Clients
  • Divorce

Primary campaign outcome/action: Email opt-in by downloading lead magnet.

Secondary campaign outcome/actions: Continue the conversation with prospects, bringing them deeper into the awareness funnel, with follow-up emails that position you as the right source for help and offering a free appointment to discuss their retirement questions.