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[NEW] Millennial Money Moves Prospect Engagement Campaign

Do you want to connect with prospects who are under 45 and interested in investing? This campaign is for you.

Many people under the age of 45 let the most critical investing (and savings) years of their lives go by. 

But doing nothing will get them nowhere. 

This campaign educates prospects about the importance of investing while they’re young so they can reap the benefits when they’re older. 

It encourages them to book a FREE, no-obligation, 1-on-1 Modern Wealth Assessment with you. 

We help you continue the conversation with prospects, bringing them deeper into the awareness funnel, with emails that position you as the right source for help and offering a free appointment to discuss their financial questions. Prospects who have immediate needs are encouraged to request an appointment with you, bringing these digital prospects right into your office.

The campaign publishes content over 6 weeks and includes:

  • 5 emails promoting the value of your advice
  • 1 appointment page where motivated leads can request a free chat with you
  • 1 appointment confirmation page that points leads to your website
  • 1 appointment confirmation email that confirms the request was received

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[NEW] Visual Insights Newsletter – Retirement Trends

A lot can change in 25 to 30 years, including retirement. 

In fact, whether you or your kids retire by 2050, the future of retirement could look quite different from retired life today.


Longer life spans, climate change, and technology will shake things up in big ways, altering when, how, and where folks retire. And those changes could make retirement better, longer, and more complicated in the future.

So, how will retirement be different by 2050?

This month’s Visual Insights Newsletter will answer that question, sharing 6 to 8 ways retirement is expected to evolve over the next three decades. Highlighting changes in retirement age, income, health care, and location in the future.

This campaign will also share some fun lifestyle trends related to food, transportation, and travel for retirees of 2050.

The key message will center on planning ahead, staying flexible, and adapting to evolving circumstances. Acknowledging that things can change unexpectedly and that no one can ever fully predict the future.

The VIN will position the financial professional as a confidant, coach, and counselor, who can help folks plan for their retirement years and make financial choices that empower them to live their best life in retirement.

Continue reading [NEW] Visual Insights Newsletter – Retirement Trends

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[NEW] Recession Investing – Lead Generation Campaign

Attract fresh prospects by offering a compelling downloadable tool through a campaign that includes a lead-capture landing page, prospecting emails, social media posts, and optional Facebook ads. Consider personalizing the download follow-up emails to engage with prospects.

Do you want to connect with investors worried about the effects of a recession on their portfolio? This campaign is for you.

A recession is looking likely and some investors are starting to panic. 

Cut through the noise and attract fresh prospects with a campaign that offers a free guide: 

Recession Coming? 3 Steps to Escape Portfolio Panic (+ 2 Ugly Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs).

Nurture existing prospects by highlighting why they mustn’t panic amid the volatility – emphasizing your ability to help them make the right choices. The lead magnet is designed to be “precisely vague” by providing good advice, but opening a loop with critical questions in the conclusion that the prospect must work with you to resolve. 

Drive traffic to your offer with prospecting emails, social media posts, and optional Facebook ads. The campaign copy builds urgency by encouraging investors to be prepared for a recession and to avoid panic at all costs. 

We help you continue the conversation with prospects, bringing them deeper into the awareness funnel, with follow-up emails that position you as the right source for help and offer a free appointment to discuss their retirement questions. Prospects who have immediate needs are encouraged to request an appointment with you, bringing these digital prospects right into your office.

The campaign publishes content over 4 weeks.

The campaign delivers the following:

  • 3 broadcast emails promoting the value of the free guide
  • 12 social media posts that automatically post to your social media accounts over 4 weeks
  • 1 landing page offering the free guide while capturing a prospect’s name & email address
  • 1 opt-in confirmation email
  • 2 opt-in follow-up emails
  • 1 confirmation page where motivated leads can request a free chat with you
  • 1 appointment confirmation page that points leads to your website
  • 1 appointment confirmation email
  • Website Widget

Continue reading [NEW] Recession Investing – Lead Generation Campaign

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Peer into the Future of Social Media with Tech Strategist Crystal Washington

As technological innovation continues to propel us into the future, it’s getting harder to stay human.

Especially when it comes to connecting with your clients and prospects.

Luckily, there’s hope thanks to the help of technology strategist and certified futurist, Crystal Washington.

Crystal works with organizations that want to leverage technology to increase profits and productivity. Working with companies including Google, Microsoft, GE, and others in the USA, Africa, and Europe.

In the episode, we chat about blending digital and real-world tactics to increase the value of your brand, simplifying the complex web of social media, and where the future of social media is headed.

Subscribe on Apple PodcastsSpotifyGoogle PodcastsAmazon Music and Audible, or wherever you get your podcasts.

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Lights. Camera. Content! Why the Message Matters Most

Wanna hear a big fat lie?

“Creating video content is expensive, requires professional quality equipment, and not everyone is qualified to be on camera.”

Let me be the first to apologize if you’ve been sold this bill of damaged goods. 

Creating video is easier, cheaper, and more effective than ever.

Over the next few months, we’ll be creating a series of blogs that cover 6 different topics on how to create more compelling video content.

This month, let’s focus on finding your message.
Continue reading Lights. Camera. Content! Why the Message Matters Most

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4 Creative Ways to Repurpose Financial Marketing Content

Content creation is hard. And time-consuming. And expensive.

In fact, 77% of brands take more than a week to create a single email. And our production team invests at least 80 hours and thousands of dollars into creating a single campaign. The good news is you don’t need to sink 80 hours a week into your marketing. You have access to thousands of pieces of top-notch data-backed marketing content specifically designed to generate leads and get clients for financial advisers.

You have the content; why waste it?

If you take a one-and-done approach to content, you’re not making the most out of your Snappy Kraken investment. You can take any campaign in our library and turn it into an Instagram post, an email signature, a blog post, or even a vehicle wrap—and get maximum ROI.

1. Turn Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter Posts into Instagram Posts

As of 2018, 57% of financial advisers agreed that their target audience is on Instagram, and another 50% said that Instagram was getting results.

Just because we don’t specifically create content for Instagram doesn’t mean you can’t use our other posts there. Our library has copy and images for thousands of organic and paid tweets, LinkedIn posts, and Facebook posts that you can repurpose for your Instagram account.

“We have seen that our base of Instagram followers continues to grow.”

Repurpose Snappy Kraken content on Instagram in four easy steps:

  1. Go through the Snappy Kraken content library and choose a campaign that you want to repurpose for Instagram.



These are the latest campaigns in the Snappy Kraken library.


  1. Each campaign has a social post—download the image and resize it if necessary.
    🔥 Hot tip: Crop or resize your photos in seconds with Instagram’s built-in editor or Biteable’s free resizer.
  2. All of our campaigns have written content. Swipe the content and personalize it if needed.
  3. Last, generate leads by adding your landing page to your Instagram link in your bio.

One of our members (who inspired this content repurposing idea) told us that they’ve loved repurposing Snappy Kraken content for Instagram, and they’re seeing results. “We have seen that our base of Instagram followers continues to grow,” he said. “It’s nice to be able to still leverage the existing Snappy Kraken campaigns and adapt them for [Instagram].”

2. Use PDF Guides to Inspire Your Email Signature

Email signatures have an average click-through rate of 0.5% to 3%. So why not use your email signature to link out to something that adds value and captures contact information?

As a Snappy Kraken member, you have access to lead generation campaigns that come with downloadable PDF guides.



This is the front page of our downloadable guide on Medicare planning.


You can use those downloadable guides to inspire an email signature that your target audience will want to click on, just like one of our members did.

One of our members added our tax savings guide to their email signature.


There are two ways you can add a clickable photo to your email signature. You can use WiseStamp, a tool specifically created for email signatures, or add it in manually through Gmail:

  1. Choose the campaign and guide you want to format your email signature after from the Snappy Kraken library.
  2. Create an email signature photo with a graphic design app, like Canva. You can download the campaign image and make it a part of your email signature.
  3. Upload your photo to Imgur, then right-click on the image and click “copy image address.”
  4. Go to your Gmail inbox, then click the gear and go to Settings > General > Signature.

3. Expand Campaign Topics into Blog Posts

Blog posts are a great way to share what you know with your prospects and clients. You can answer your clients’ questions and address their concerns through long-form blog posts complete with sources, images, and quotes—something you can’t do on social media.

But writing blog posts takes a lot of time, research, and brainpower. The average blog post takes over four hours to write, but a good blog post that converts will take twice that time. With our content library, though, you can cut down blog writing time to a couple of minutes.

One of our members cracked the code and tested repurposing our campaign topics and landing page content into blog posts:

This is what our member’s blog looks like.


  1. Choose the campaign you want to create a blog post about.
  2. Swipe the campaign image and parts of the landing page copy and publish your content to your website.
  3. Link out to the lead-generation landing page at some point within your blog post.

Always aim to create helpful content on your blog—whether you write about finance or a finance-adjacent topic.

4. Turn Lead-Gen Pages into QR Codes

While most of our marketing tactics are online, nothing is stopping you from using our content in offline marketing strategies. In fact, one member turned one of our lead-generation landing pages into a QR code that they wrapped around the tailgate of their truck.

It was effective because most people now know what a QR code is—45% of all consumers in the U.S. have scanned marketing-related QR codes. People passing our member’s truck saw a QR code about financial planning, and those who needed financial services whipped out their phones and scanned.

Apart from a vehicle wrap, you can also turn your QR code into a laptop sticker or use it to design some personalized gifts for your existing clients—like tumblers, bookmarks, etc.


Use your logo and a QR code to design a tumbler for your clients.


Create your own QR code design for your offline marketing efforts:

  1. As always, choose the campaign and landing page you’d like to link your QR code to.
  2. Turn the landing page link into a QR code with QRCode Monkey.
  3. Contact a professional like 4imprint or VistaPrint to turn your QR code into a tailgate sticker, a laptop sticker, or a personalized gift design.

Don’t limit yourself to those three ideas. QR codes are versatile, so experiment with using them in even more offline marketing swag.

Don’t Have Ready-Made, Data-Backed Content? We Do

Almost no other automated growth program has as much research and marketing experience as we do. Every year, we publish our State of Digital Marketing report that contains over a million data points from real financial adviser campaigns that we published all across the United States.

We use those same data points to create financial adviser content that generates leads, converts prospects, and builds customer loyalty.

Book a demo today to get a glimpse into the content library of your dreams.

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[NEW] Women’s Money Myths Lead – Lead Generation Campaign

Attract fresh prospects by offering a compelling downloadable tool through a campaign that includes a lead-capture landing page, prospecting emails, social media posts, and optional Facebook ads.

Do you want to connect with women interested in investing? This campaign is for you.

Many women often feel intimidated, overwhelmed, and anxious when they think about money.

Money management companies have marketed their services to sound so complicated they feel like they can’t do it without them.

But this couldn’t be further from the truth!

Cut through the noise and attract fresh prospects with a campaign that offers a FREE guide: Money IS for Women: 3 Wild Truths and 2 Worn Out Fairy Tales.

The guide reveals: 

  • How a woman’s finances can be effortless (and who makes it seem complex)
  • A too-simple-to-be-true money system to transform how women think about wealth
  • Why do intelligent women think “I’m not good at money” 

Nurture existing prospects by highlighting that finances don’t need to be daunting or complex, emphasizing your ability to help them make the right choices. 

The lead magnet is designed to be “precisely vague” by providing good advice, but opening a loop with critical questions in the conclusion that the prospect must work with you to resolve.

Drive traffic to your offer with prospecting emails, social media posts, and optional Facebook ads. The campaign copy builds urgency by explaining what could happen if prospects leave their finances up to someone else.

We help you continue the conversation with prospects, bringing them deeper into the awareness funnel, with follow-up emails that position you as the right source for help and offer a free appointment to discuss their retirement questions. 

Prospects who have immediate needs are encouraged to request an appointment with you, bringing these digital prospects right into your office.

The campaign publishes content over 4 weeks.

Use this campaign if you’ve got a prospecting list and social media presence. If you don’t have a list segmented by gender, you can simply launch this by social media.

The campaign delivers the following:

  • 3 broadcast emails promoting the value of the free guide
  • 12 social media posts that automatically post to your social media accounts over 4 weeks
  • 1 landing page offering the free guide while capturing a prospect’s name & email address
  • 1 opt-in confirmation email
  • 2 opt-in follow-up emails
  • 1 confirmation page where motivated leads can request a free chat with you
  • 1 appointment confirmation page that points leads to your website
  • 1 appointment confirmation email
  • Website Widget

Continue reading [NEW] Women’s Money Myths Lead – Lead Generation Campaign

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[NEW] Timely Email: Bear Market, Now What?

Stocks slid into bear market territory after a bad May inflation report showed that prices rose at the fastest pace since 1981.

And there’s a good chance your clients and prospects are freaking out.

This Timely Email is a calm reminder to not to make any irrational, short-term decisions about their investments.

It reassures them that…

  1. Much of the market pullback could be a correction for the pandemic high-flyers
  2. Bear markets don’t last forever – on average, about 15 months
  3. Half of the market’s best days have occurred during a bear market

And much more.

And if they’re still feeling nervous, it encourages them to reach out to you.


Continue reading [NEW] Timely Email: Bear Market, Now What?

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[NEW] Personal Connection Videos | Recession Worries?

Connect with clients and prospects with this Personal Connection Video campaign and help them to keep calm about a pending recession. 

This campaign conveys three things people need to consider if they start to panic – these are:

  1. Avoid knee-jerk reactions
  2. Revisit their risk tolerance and portfolio
  3. Reach out for advice and reassurance

Personal Connection Videos are the fastest way to create and promote videos at scale, keeping you face-to-face and top of mind with the people who matter most to your business.

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